Going above and beyond

Recruitment consultant - Going above and beyond

The role of the recruitment consultant might seem quite cut and dried. It’s to help find the right candidate for the right job. And yes, that’s absolutely at the core of what we do.

But there is so much more to it than that. Find a good recruitment partner, and there are many ways in which they can work closely with candidates, to really maximise the chance of securing the job.

Choosing the right agency is essential, though. When a candidate decides to work with a recruitment consultant, they are in effect, putting their career into the hands of a third party. It leaves them exposed, and recruiters have a massive responsibility to ensure they do the absolute best for their candidates, delivering a positive experience in every respect. 

Here’s some of the things that a reputable recruitment consultant can do to deliver a personal service to every candidate – and help to ensure that the job hunter will return to them again and again.  

Forget the cut and paste

Using bland email templates or simply cutting and pasting from one to another does nothing to engender trust. Good communications are a factor in whether candidates trust in their recruiter, so they need to be individual and relevant to the person receiving them by including personal details and referring to previous conversations.  

Of course, particularly in the early stages of recruiting, there might be a need for automated email responses. Indeed, automation and AI tools can relieve the process-driven tasks that are part of recruitment, freeing up time to spend on relationship building. But it’s important that they reflect the brand and feel like a personal communication.


It’s important to do what is promised, such as calling people when agreed or providing timely feedback. These go a very long way to make a candidate feel they are valued. Getting organised is the key to this; ensuring communications aren’t missed, and promised information is sent. Keeping the lines of exchange open throughout the whole recruitment process is important to avoid any communication black holes.

The candidate should be the centre of everything

A good recruitment consultant will get to know the candidate and work to understand what they are looking for in their next career move. Good listening skills are important, as often conversations with candidates can reveal hidden skills and qualities.

Getting to the heart of the candidate’s ambitions for the future will help find companies and vacancies that are a great fit. Focusing on the individual’s needs throughout the screening, interviewing, and decision-making processes will optimise the candidate experience. This also benefits the recruiter, as when it’s time for them to move on again, the candidate will likely come back, and a good experience can generate referrals.

Be open and honest

Building relationships is at the heart of a productive recruiter/candidate partnership. A great recruiter will guide candidates through the process, giving them feedback and advice at every step of the way. They will be open to questions and concerns, giving honest input and feedback, and supporting them as they go through the process of leaving their current positions.

Adding value

A great recruiter will add value to the relationship by sharing the wealth of knowledge with the candidate. Advice on constructing a CV, interview tips, a brief on how the interviewer likes to play things. All these areas can make a real difference to candidates who are trying to position themselves as a perfect match for the vacancy. The recruiter has a privileged role in being the conduit between the candidate and organisation and will use their expertise to ensure both sides end up delighted.

What other tips would you add? Have you any secrets to share? Do let us know by commenting below.

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